Friday, January 5, 2007

VFA - A Deal is a Deal!

If a Filipino was a tourist was accused of committing a crime in the US then he or she would be dealt with as a local which is also the case with Americans in the Philippines, however, if a Filipino diplomat serving his country committed a crime in the US he would be handed over to Philippine authorities and the matter would be dealt with diplomatically, these are the same diplomatic treaties the world over that allow countries to send their nationals overseas.

That is the Philippines have an agreement not unlike the VFA that protects Filipinos serving their country overseas.

The fact is our (Philippine) government made a deal and these radicals are only disgracing the Filipino people by suggesting we should not keep our word.

Like it or don’t like it, the VFA is a deal and a deal is a deal, we must keep our honor and national pride in sticking to what we agreed.

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